Cyber Security

What is Cyber Security?

Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting critical systems and sensitive information from digital attacks. Also known as information technology (IT) security, cybersecurity measures are designed to combat threats against network systems and applications, whether those threats originate from inside or outside of an organization.

Our reliable security infrastructure is designed to meet your specific needs and provide flexibility. Learn how to protect your IT systems and sensitive business data with the latest tools and practices readily available for our clients! 

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Network Security

Cyber Security Solutions

Network security is the strategic combination of hardware and software designed to protect sensitive data in a computer network. They work together to secure the environment against unauthorized access, data breaches, malware delivery, and other cyberattacks.

Why Network Security is Important?

As the world becomes more connected, access to networks and data becomes more valuable. Yet, the threats organizations face has also become more sophisticated and frequent, creating a need for an agile security approach that enable real-time protection in a world dominated by the cloud. With top notch network security in place, you can protect your business against:

Operational risks.

  • Business can’t operate and communicate effectively when compromised by viruses, malware and cyberattacks.

Reputation damage.

  • Data breaches and exposure can ruin a company’s reputation and expose it to lawsuits.

Financial risks.

  • Organizations can also have their own intellectual property stolen, which can lead to loss of business and competitive advantages.

Regulatory issues.

  • Many governments require businesses to comply with data security regulations that cover aspects of network security. Violations of these regulations can lead to fines, bans and possible jail time.

Data & Information Security

Cyber Security Solutions

Data security is the practice of protecting digital information from unauthorized access, corruption, or theft throughout its entire lifecycle. Ideally, you should be able to apply protections like encryption, masking, and redaction of sensitive files, and automate reporting to streamline audits and adhering to regulatory requirements.

Top-notch Data Security

Business must have a comprehensive data security strategy that incorporates people, processes, and technologies. This means making information security a priority across all areas of the enterprise comprising:

Physical security of servers and user devices

  • Ensure that facilities are secured against intruders and have adequate fire suppression measures and climate controls in place.

Access management and controls

  • Granting database, network, and administrative account access to as few people as possible, and only those who absolutely need it to get their jobs done.

Application security and patching

  • All software should be updated to the latest version as soon as possible after patches or new versions are released.


  • Maintaining usable, thoroughly tested backup copies of all critical data is a core component of any robust data security strategy.

Employee education

  • Training employees in the importance of good security practices and password hygiene and teaching them to recognize cyberattacks.

Network and endpoint security monitoring and controls

  • Implementing a comprehensive suite of threat management, detection, and response tools and platforms across your on-premises environment and cloud platforms can mitigate risks and reduce the probability of a breach.

Operational Security

Cyber Security Solutions

Operational security (OPSEC) is a security and risk management process that prevents sensitive information from getting into the wrong hands.

Elements of Operational Security

The processes involved in operational security can be simplified into five steps:

  • Understand the threats and vulnerabilities of your organization.
  • Gain insights into how they can be exploited by an attacker to cause damage.
  • Determine the risks associated with these vulnerabilities and identify the risks to be mitigated through the implementation of appropriate security controls.
  • Assess those risks by identifying their probability of occurrence by calculating an attack surface.
  • Improve your security posture by implementing additional security controls based on risk assessments

Application Security

Cyber Security Solutions

Application security is the process of developing, adding, and testing security features within applications to prevent security vulnerabilities against threats such as unauthorized access and modification.

Why Is Application Security Important?

With more and more apps running in the cloud, there is greater pressure to test applications themselves, as well as traditional network device security.  Application testing helps to ensure that applications are secure and can help prevent their attack. The five most common app security risks include:

  • Injection – Unsafe data is sent as a command or query, which allows data access without authorization.
  • Broken authentication – Hackers compromise keys, passwords, and more when functions related to session management or authentication break down.
  • Sensitive data exposure – Financial information, health care records, and more are exposed due to encryption problems.
  • XXE – Old XML processors don’t completely shield data.
  • Broken access control – Authentication problems let people see what they shouldn’t.

Your app could have other buried risks, such as scripting problems, older components, or poor monitoring. Breaches are expensive, demoralizing, and disruptive as customers won’t blame the hackers, but your incompetency in preventing the attack – and it could take you years to recover, both financially and reputationally.

Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity

Cyber Security Solutions

BCDR is an umbrella term that encompasses business continuity (BC) and disaster recovery (DR). The goal of BCDR is to limit risk and get an organization running as close to normal as possible after an unexpected interruption.

Why Is Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Important?

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BCDR) is a holistic approach to minimizing the effects of disruptions on business operations, reducing the risk of data loss, reputational harm and getting an organization running as close to normal as possible after unexpected intrusions into its operations. This involves developing detailed plans, conducting business impact analysis and risk analysis, and testing them regularly to ensure that everyone involved knows what their role is in the event of a problem occurring. All in all, enterprises should strive for continual improvement, driven by the BCDR process.

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